

What is Mobile App Testing? Its types and Importance

What is App Testing? While building an app, several processes are involved which ends up with testing the app. Applications for mobile devices are tested for functionality, usability, performance, compatibility, and much more. Testing is the most important part to make sure you finish building an app that hits the peaks in the market after its launch and satisfies the client’s needs. After performing all types of testing, the possibilities of flaws are reduced to a significant extent. Undoubtedly, an app having no flaws will be liked by users and there’s a high possibility for the app to be top-rated in the market. Mobile app testing can be done automatically or manually. It helps you ensure that the application you’re delivering to the client meets all business requirements as well as users’ expectations. Why Mobile App Testing is Important? In this era of increased mobile phone usage, people are spending most of their time using mobile apps rather than using desktop or web apps. As an app developer, it becomes mandatory to deliver perfectly fine apps that give the ultimate user experience to the users. This can only be made possible if the app is tested well and all the improvements or suggestions are valued at the end. If you’re not giving importance to app testing, you can’t expect your app to have high ratings when it is launched. You can’t have idea what problems or flaws people are facing while using your app. The app testing can be done before and after the launch to make sure the app has no bugs left in it. Challenges of Mobile App Testing According to a report by Statista, in 2021, the total number of downloaded apps was were230 billion. These numbers will increase in the upcoming years without a doubt. This phenomenal growth in the mobile apps market is pointing the mobile apps to be more useful and bugless. Despite there are several challenges for mobile application testing that are as follows: These are some of the common challenges which interfere while testing an app. We perform different types of app testing to make sure it gives its maximum performance. Tools for Mobile Application Testing Mobile app testing tools are much helpful in reducing the time and efforts of the developers by helping them diagnose errors that occur in the app.   Before we head over to the types of mobile app testing, let’s have a quick look at the tools available for app testing. Some of the commonly used testing tools for Android and iOS are: Types of Mobile Application Testing There are several types of app testing involved to deliver high-performance apps. Some of them are as follows: ● Performance Testing The performance of your app defines its success. You need to make sure your app is giving its maximum performance. Moreover, performance testing is the response or ability of the app to perform under specific conditions. These conditions could be: ● Compatibility Testing Compatibility testing validates the performance of your app on different devices that differ in size, resolution, version or hardware. In addition to this, compatibility testing also values: ● Functional Testing Functional testing helps you determine some of the basic functions and evaluate how they are working. It helps you determine whether your app is working the way you wanted it to work. It includes: ● Security Testing Every user demands the privacy of its data and protection while using your app. It also validates the developer to examine the security options, vulnerabilities, or penetration testing that makes your app more secure. These are all determined to find out security weaknesses within the app. With the exponential increase in mobile app usage, security of user data and privacy has become more challenging. The cyber attacks come into action exploiting vulnerabilities in the app which intimidate the user-friendly environment. Hence, we perform security testing. ● Usability Testing It is more like a general test of your app that how it experiences using the app, how the features inside it are working, and if it is giving a satisfactory user experience. It also determines how easy-to-use your app is. Usability testing is all about making your user feel satisfied while using the app. Having a smooth user experience of your app will add value to your business and increase your app ratings too. ● Localization Testing No matter when, where, and how you use an app, it should work perfectly fine. It should meet local regulations and even legal requirements. This is where localization testing comes in. It makes sure that your app translates to the respective regional language accordingly. In addition to this, aligning the app with the local language, religious sentiments, and cultural values are some of the intentions for performing localization testing. ● Network Testing An app must respond properly under different network conditions. This includes switching networks in-between 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and Wi-Fi. When carrying out network performance tests, it is important to have a controlled environment and systematic parameter variations. Some of the parameters in the test environment include: mobile devices, mobile applications (native or mobile web site), type of interaction, time of day, etc. ● Interruption App Testing Last but not least, interruption testing. The purpose of this test is to check behavior or the app’s performance when an interruption occurs. These interruptions could be: Wrapping Up App testing is not an easy task. You’ll get to know about it when you jump into it and have to make sure that the app works perfectly on thousands of mobile phones. I have compiled the most common app testing procedures and I hope you’ll find all of these to be useful for you as these are the extract of our 5 years of app development experience. 

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Top 6 Tips To Boost Amazon Sales

Amazon marketplace has tremendous shares in the eCommerce market. Over 8 million sellers are selling on Amazon, with almost 1.7 million active sellers. Additionally, the expected increase in the number of sellers on Amazon is 18% annually. There were $12,000,000 sales hourly in 2020. These mind-blowing stats are clear proof of Amazon’s future. It strengthens the fact that Amazon is not going anywhere. There are going to be a lot of opportunities for investors to invest and create their brands on Amazon. In this blog, we will get to know about the tips that you can leverage to boost Amazon sales. Surprisingly, forecasts show that net sales will continue to grow steadily and will exceed one trillion dollars by 2026. But still, people fear that investing in Amazon would be a total risk or Amazon could cut into their profits. This is not it. If you’re aware of the strategies and the ways to sell on Amazon and make profitable outcomes from Amazon, then surely you’re not among the ones saying all the above. Every business has some unlocking secrets for you to discover and dig for as much profit as you can. Similarly, Amazon has several trends or tips which you can follow to boost Amazon sales and run a successful business. Top 6 Tips That Can Boost Your Amazon Sales (1) Manage your Inventory In the present times, people are mostly relying on online platforms rather than going to shopping centers. It will ultimately increase demand for the products on online selling platforms. The product that wins most of the market shares doesn’t mean it has the best quality only. The availability of the product around the year is a much more important factor for a product to be sold online. Hence, maintaining your inventory is an important factor to consider while selling on Amazon. People are likely to buy from other sellers having similar products. Having a large amount of inventory at once could cost you too much storage fees, which is something nobody will want to. Similarly, having less inventory could cause the loss of a lot of potential orders. So managing your inventory should be your major concern, so you shouldn’t be causing any kind of mismanagement. In 2021, nearly half of Amazon’s customers bought from a different brand if their usual choice was not available. (2) Listing Optimization Amazon SEO plays a vital role in making your product more visible and helping customers buy your product. Optimizing is the art of using relevant and most crucial content or information about your product so that when a potential customer searches for your product name, your listing should be at the top. Amazon SEO has a similar mechanism as Google’s SEO. The use of relevant keywords, images, product descriptions, and optimized titles will improve your listing’s ranking. Keywords and product reviews are the two major concerns for Amazon’s on-page SEO. Pay keen attention to the keywords you’re using for your product, do proper keyword research, and have a look at the keywords your competitors are using. Write long but relevant product descriptions of almost 1000 words with embedded keywords in them. This will improve your product visibility. (3) Add Videos to Product Listing Amazon’s goal is to create an ideal and transparent shopping experience, and they provide third-party sellers with a variety of tools to help them create a better dealing environment for their customers. Videos give the customer a clear demonstration of the product that satisfies any kind of objections. Product videos give the customer additional insight and visualization of your product that text and static images can’t portray. More than 90% of consumers stated that they find product videos helpful when making purchases online. After hours of surfing, sometimes consumers don’t have much time for reading all the lengthy content written in the text form. This is where a video representation is needed so that the consumer doesn’t leave without buying that product. (4) Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing is one of the proven strategies to boost Amazon sales. There was massive growth in influencer marketing of $13.8 billion in 2021. According to a survey, more than 60% of the responders make a purchase based on the recommendation of the influencer. What else could you wish for? In this case, micro-influencers should be valued to reach out to. Because micro-influencers have more engagement and audience loyalty than a celebrity if we talk about being in the virtual world (social media platforms). There are many influencers present online having their respective field expertise. But modern technology means the social media influencers who’ve built a loyal following through their online content creation now have reached magnitudes larger than anything possible before. A post on Instagram can reach more people than an average person would come across in a lifetime. These social media influencers are quite experienced in presenting the products in a way that relates to the audience. No matter if it’s a travel destination or a new skincare product, influencers will find a way and can create stories that resonate with the audience and convince readers to want the same lifestyle. (5) Build Social Proof (Gather more reviews) According to a survey conducted by Jungle Scout, almost 80% of buyers get inspired by ratings and reviews. This will ultimately increase the chances of getting more sales. Consumers trust more on user-generated reviews and consider them as personal recommendations rather than trusting the brand. Don’t value the current reviews you have. Just get more and more. That’s what’s going to help you boost Amazon sales. When a customer can’t decide which product to buy as hundreds of them are in front of him, the only way he opts is to decide based on reviews. The more reviews you have on your listing, the higher are the chances of getting conversions. Now, the question is how to get reviews organically? That’s not a big deal. There are several ways of getting reviews on Amazon when you have

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Why Do Apps Get Removed from Stores? How do you avoid them?

Did you know that there are over 5 million apps available on the App Store and Play Store? Well, that’s a huge number of apps. These stores receive thousands of app submissions daily. Apple and Google have their respective guidelines which we have to follow to submit an app. This is obvious that you have to meet their guidelines by hook or by crook. After spending months developing Android or iOS apps, of course, you won’t be willing that your app would get removed from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store when you submit it. Apple has more strict guidelines and regulations than Google. That’s why you will hardly find an app on the App Store that is not functioning properly. In other words, the App Store is all about giving the best user experience. On the other hand, Google doesn’t have many policies for approving an app. That is why it hardly takes 3 to 4 hours to approve an app on the Google Play Store. Do you think it is enough time to review an app where thousands of apps are submitted daily? Although the Play Store has some great apps available, the App Store is far more than the Play Store in terms of quality apps. It takes a lot of effort and investment to build an app. Conversely, it’s quite disappointing for one if the App Store or Play Store doesn’t approve the app. There are several limitations to which you have to stick to. There are several ways to avoid your app getting rejected by stores. Having 5 years of experience in app development, Sparko Sol experts have got all expertise to avoid your app’s removal from app stores. Following are some of the reasons which could cause rejection of your app: 6 Reasons for your app to get removed from App Store or Google Play Store Following are some of the reasons for your apps to get removed from stores. Your App Contains Inappropriate Content Before submitting your app to stores, you have to make sure that your app doesn’t contain any restricted or sexual content. Apple and Google strictly prohibit apps from being on their stores that promote any harassment, bullying, or gambling. In addition, Google doesn’t allow apps that contain child endangerment. Apps that claim to be for children but contain adult content have higher chances of being removed by the store. Similarly, it goes for Apple. According to App Store review guideline 1.4; Apps that entertain physical harm, drug consumption, child abuse, etc. are not acceptable. Apple readily rejects these kinds of apps. Even if seen, Apple’s team will remove the App immediately. To cope with this dilemma, you should use a filtering or reporting mechanism. It would remove any inappropriate content seen and ban repetitive offenders for a clean digital environment. The Metadata Of Your App Is Not Relevant Whenever you submit an app to the App Store or Play Store, it requires you to provide some detailed information about your app. This information includes app description, screenshots of your app, payment options, privacy policy, etc. It is one of the major reasons that your apps get removed from stores. This is what metadata is all about. It defines the functionality and the type of your app. To submit your app successfully, it is necessary to provide the relevant metadata for your app. Because this is what a user sees in front when he/she has to decide whether to download it or not. Providing irrelevant information would be misleading to users resulting in an offensive user experience. App Stores strictly require developers to put all the necessary information correctly. This makes a transparent environment for users to decide which app they are exactly looking for. Your App Has a Poor UI The UI of your app defines its future. It is all about how interactive your user is going to feel when he/she uses your app. This could be challenging for developers to figure out exactly why their app undergoes rejection based on the UI. How possibly can they improve it? To make your UI more interactive and refined, Apple has given Human Interface Guidelines for App Store. It makes App Store a transparent platform for developers. Fortunately, Apple provides UIKit to developers to adorn their app’s UI. Google also has the best apps available, but you will still find some apps with poor UI. It doesn’t mean Google Play allows apps with poor UI, either. But you can say that it allows apps to have a fair-to-use UI which doesn’t compel users that much. End-users must be able to get the most out of it when they download your app. This is only possible when you have a creative and prominent UI design. Improper Functionality and Bugs Detection Improper functionality and bug detection could be one of the main reasons for your apps to get removed from stores. When you submit your app to App Store, it performs several tests for analyzing your app’s functionality under different stress and load conditions. Apple is all about preferring quality and giving the best user experience. There is a high chance of rejection if it undergoes any fluctuation during the review process. On the other hand, Google Play Store allows the app to offer a minimum functionality and a respectful user experience. Moreover, Google Play doesn’t allow apps that crash or exhibit behavior that is not consistent with a functional user experience. You should extensively test your app and evaluate all of its functionalities before deciding to submit it to the store. An effective way to test the app is to launch a beta version of your app to a limited audience. This limited audience could be the social circle, family, and friends of the developers. Likewise, you can perform app testing of your app and test yourself to know how efficient your app is. Your App Infringes an Intellectual Property Apple and Google look closely at the intellectual

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